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"Wisdom lies in being able to think and act like the enemy, without becoming the enemy."

An unnamed Celestial in the halls of Paradise, trying to put a positive spin on Variel's "behavior"



"Yes, but does he have to enjoy it so much?"

Another unnamed Celestial, responding to the first



Cognitive dissonance is what they call it. It's the uncomfortable feeling you get when you hold two contradictory ideas at the same time. Imagine being a smoker, and trying to square "I'm a rational human being who makes good decisions and wants to live a long and healthy life" with "I'm cutting minutes off my life each time I light up and inhale." That should give you some small idea of what I mean.


So what about me? What does a Celestial creature – one who has known the presence of the Almighty first-hand – do on those late nights when "I am an instrument of the Giver's divine will and purpose" is competing for mental space with "Rape, and pillage, and murder are companions of mine going back for some four centuries"?


Well, it's easier than you think. To be honest, I'm not one for giving away Great Secrets of the Universe. But just this once, I'll make an exception for you . . .


"God" has a plan. And you're not in it. Satisfied?



"Homo proponit, sed Deus disponit."

Thomas à Kempis


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